Caldwell Groups

We follow Jesus best in community.

Find a group that’s right for you

Workshops & Seminars

  • Spiritual growth workshops that meet periodically at the church building on Saturdays
  • For ages 16+
  • Examples of workshops offered: Spiritual Gifts, Identity and Kingdom Purpose, Discerning God’s Voice, etc.

Discipleship Groups

These groups are designed to help people grow in their character and competency of Jesus by learning to hear His voice and do what He says.
Current Groups: Youth & College

Community Groups

These are “age and stage” groups that are designed to help people cultivate healthy community within the church. Through these groups, people will get to engage in things like:
  • Sharing stories
  • Praying for one another & practical support
  • Bible studies
  • Growth through sharing fears & celebrations
Current Community Groups: 55+, Moms with Young Kids, and Dads with Young Kids

All Church Events & Gatherings

These events, such as Stations of the Cross, Potlucks, Discover Crossroads, Life-sized Board Game Nights, etc., are designed to connect all ages together.

Spiritual Families

The mission of Spiritual Families is to practice the “Up” (a healthy relationship to the Father), “In” (a commitment to one another), and “Out” (eyes open to the world around you) as a family of believers.
Current Groups: Wednesday evenings & Sunday afternoons

Mission Teams

Mission Teams are committed to engaging in kingdom work through shared interests that express love for God and others.
Current Teams: Worship & Creative Arts, Elementary & PreK Lead Teachers, & Hospitality