Giving of our time, talent, and treasure are just a few of the ways we actively partner with God in what He’s doing in the world.
Our beliefs about giving
While financial giving is crucial to enabling our church to operate, here are some more specific beliefs we have about giving at Crossroads.
We believe God created and essentially owns everything, and as His stewards, it matters how we use what God owns. The good news is that He has given us a clear idea of what He expects in Scripture.
In response to being stewards, our congregation elected a Board of Stewards, because we believe financial oversight is an essential part of what it means to be an effective witness in the world today.
We’ve committed to giving away a small portion of our annual income. This has allowed us to partner with numerous organizations, support overseas missions, plant churches, and provide counseling scholarships.
3 ways to give

A large majority of our community gives online. It’s simple, consistent, and secure. Simply enter the amount you’d like to give, choose where you want your gift to go, and the frequency of your giving.

In Person
We don’t pass an offering plate at Crossroads. We have giving boxes at the exit doors in the gathering place, the foyer, and the church office for you to deposit your tithes and offerings.

By Mail
You can send your tithes and offerings to the church office at